Solutions - Construction

Our Construction Software Solutions

We develop full-scale software for construction companies to help you digitalize your green building business processes, achieve operational efficiency, and drive innovation.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Project Management

Customer Portal & Partner Portal

Construction Integrations

Analytics & Reporting

Project Onboarding and Training

Construction ERP Software

Polarize and manage the entire construction design’s lifecycle with a complete Enterprise Resource Planning software suite. Examiner budget and resource planning, outfit procurement, force operation, and fiscal operation, contractor operation, and asset operation- all in one unified system. Livery stoner experience across all software modules Formalized, gathered structure and data points Single access to all core functions like account and payroll, asset operation and conservation planning, design operation with end- to- end analytics and reports Maximized asset application across multiple spots and structures, prophetic conservation Fast compliance checks and status monitoring Drastically reduced paperwork and bettered visibility across all functions and processes.

Construction Project Management Software

Advanced design operation system along with construction planning software simplifies and streamlines operations both onsite and offsite. Oversee the planning, design, and construction design from launch to finish while fastening on time, costs, and quality of the delivered results. Monitoring of all stages of a design’s lifecycle threat operation, design’s cost estimation and budget planning Complete asset operation and exertion planning Effective platoon operation with tasks assignment and progress tracking Team collaboration tools and information exchange

Inspection Management Software

Easily conduct, assign, track, and complete inspections for effortless construction site assessment. Manage inspections with ease, minimize risks, and ensure full compliance while maintaining data security standards. Assign inspection responsibilities and frequency Identify, document, and share findings, add notes and take photos Take corrective actions and complete inspections Use standardized and customizable checklists for a variety of scenarios Generate reports, conduct high-level data analysis

Customer & Partner Portal Software

Enhance Mate and client connections by furnishing a accessible mate portal software for participating design updates, accoutrements , support and information demanded for a customer. Interact and communicate with guests in a knitter- made, secure terrain. Easy access to updates and important design data Establish knowledge retention and participating through a unified knowledge base. Control and examiner exchange and collection of design information including specifications and fiscal data customer onboarding, operation, and secure dispatches Simple and customizable mobile/cross-platform result with analytics and reporting.

Construction Integrations

Integrate and link external data sources from third- party systems into the being workflow to gain perceptivity into operations, ameliorate soothsaying and streamline dispatches. End- to- end data operation Real- time data exchange Data access operation bettered data security.

Construction Analytics & Reporting

Collect, dissect and cover colorful data points to ameliorate business results and reduce pitfalls. Put data at work with advanced analytics and reports. Formalized real- time report generation for a better decision making Single access point to connect and dissect multiple data sources Prophetic end- to- end analytics for bettered soothsaying tailored reports and access operation for substantiated workflows Data visualization and sharing for better collaboration.

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